Glossary Item Box
To upload your resume to a web site, the FTP to needs to be configured properly. This is done via the menu,
Applications » Options
Click the FTP tab as shown below.
The instructions on the left provide guidance as to how to complete each field in the FTP dialog. The information requested by this dialog is provided by your ISP or the web site that you are going to save your resume to. Wel'll discuss the fields here as well.
To add an FTP site, click the Add FTP Site link in the lower left part of the form. The FTP add dialog is shown below.
The fields contents are described as follows.
Any title which will allow you to recognize the site. This is a free form field limited to 100 characters. Any character is permitted.
This is provided by the site hosting your resume. They will tell you what the FTP address is. You should not include the ftp:// prefix. JobTabs will strip it out if provided.
This is provided by the site hosting your resume. If it is not specified leave the port number at 21 which is the industry standard. This is so common that JobTabs defaults to port 21 for every web site. It is a rare exception that this will change.
The user name either defined by your or given to you by the site hosting your resume.
The password either defined by you or given to you by the site hosting your resume.
This is defined by you. If you are not sure leave it blank. Typically, you would define some starting directory for JobTabs to use each time it uploads a resume to this web site. If you had a directory dedicated to storing your online resume, you would use forward slashes to define it. An example would be,
Always separate your directories with forward slashes when uploading to a web site. There are also no spaces in a web site directory string.
Unless directed by your ISP, leave this unchecked. Passive mode is the process of converting anything you are uploading to text form. This is an unnecessary step that is here only to allow resumes to be uploaded to very old systems.
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