Download JobTabs Job Search & Resume by clicking a button or the hyperlink below. JobTabs Job Search & Resume is power-packed with a bevy of powerful features for job seekers and is rock solid stable.
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Download JobTabs Job Search & Resume Builder
JobTabs Free Resume Builder. This is completely FREE - for life!
These applications can be run on:
Windows 8
(Includes 32 and 64 bit
operating systems.)
Windows 7
(Includes 32 and 64 bit
operating systems.)
Windows Vista
(All Editions)
Windows XP
(All Editions)
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003
You do not need to have MS Word on your system. The JobTabs Job Search & Resume word processor has no dependencies on any third party vendors. JobTabs will still be able to read/write MS Word documents.