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Stand Alone Word Processor
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Standard Resume Name
Automatic Backdating
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Job Application Wizard - Methods
Job Application Wizard Cover Letters
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Windows Compatible

Save Job Postings Directly from the Web

Throw away the 3 ring binder! JobTabs saves job postings directly from the web.  Capture every nuance of the job you are seeking by saving the entire web page to JobTabs - with one click.  Consider the importance of this.

  • Have you ever been called by a recruiter/employer and could barely remember the position you applied for?
  • Have you ever gone back to a job you applied to online, only to find that it has been removed?
  • Have you ever had trouble finding the details of a job posting among all of the other jobs you applied to?

JobTabs Job Search & Resume will save the details of any job you find. This includes jobs in the browser, your email, your search agents and even your RSS feeds. You can take your time researching the company and the people knowing the job details are readily available to you at every step of the way when they are in JobTabs Job Search & Resume.

Picture of the saved jobs node in JobTabs