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Back Date Your Resume Changes Before the Job Posted Date

JobTabs can automatically back date your resume any number of days, no matter when you actually changed it!

The value? Let's say a job posting comes out on June 1st. You research the company, tailor your resume to the job posting and send it to the hiring manager on June 7th. The hiring manager, impressed to have an applicant so ideally suited to the needs of the company, checks the "Last Modified" date of the resume to see if the resume was tailored to fit the job posting. Since you set JobTabs to back date your resume 21 days every time you email your resume, the resume is showing it was changed three weeks ago!

Wow! The manager concludes you couldn't have typed up the resume to fit the job posting, because the resume hasn't changed since job posting came out! "This is the real deal! Let's schedule an interview!"