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JobTabs Job Search & Resume Word Processor - Designed Exclusively for Resume Writing

JobTabs Job Search & Resume has a full fledged, MS Word compatible word processor.  If you find MS Word cumbersome or do not have a license for MS Word, let JobTabs handle all of the word processing for all of your resumes!.  JobTabs can save your resume into any of the following formats: MS Word doc, MS Word docx, Adobe pdf, HTML, RTF, and text!

You do not have to have MS Word installed on your machine. Unlike lesser products, JobTabs is the real deal. The JobTabs word processor does not have have to be installed along with any other products.

What's more, the JobTabs word processor is supremely designed for writing resumes.  For example, on the left hand side of the word processor is a host of first rate action verbs pooled in nine unique categories, each category designed to make it easy to present your work experience in the best possible light. Simply double-click the action verb and it will be automatically inserted into the word processor!

Resume preview during the job hunt can save you time.